
Toast Post

I rushed back into the Kitchen this morning to find smoke billowing out of the grill. My first cooking venture in Asia a dreadful fail. The real sting is that all I was making was toast. But the true shame is that toast was the one food I jokingly told the maids I could cook. I suddenly appreciate the accomplishments of the houekeeper. With here away due to a family emergency, I am like a boat without a rudder in this house.

Here, they would call that Kismit. You know, sometimes Kismit can be a bitch. Sorry Grandma.

P.S. Here there is this sour cream type substance that when spread on toast and mixed with honey creates what can only be called ambrosia. As my fellow Au Pair Brittany said on first tasting this Kahvalti concoction: "I'm never going back to America"


  1. hi :) I like to check some blogs about Turkey because I also have one since 3 months ago...I just wanted to say I liked yours :)
    Lovely song!

  2. One thing I learned quickly.. never try to use the internet and cook anything at the same time. Why? Simple. Time goes 1.5 X faster when you are on the net and it can screw up the cooking times!
