I returned at 11:11 this morning with a confidence I'm not sure I had before. Confidence about the language, confidence about the culture, confidence about my own independence, and most importantly--confidence in my decision to move here.
Something I have gotten a lot of since I moved here from the natives is the question "Why?" Why Turkey? Everyone seems astounded by my impulsive decision to move here--and the fact that I did it not having one Turkish friend in the world. That is something that before I came never struck me as an issue. When needing a change in life, you pack a bag, get on an airplane, and go. I have never thought of myself as a spontaneous person before....but in comparison to the Turks, I suppose I am. There is a purpose to everything they do and a specific series of steps they take in which to do them. Though this logic often alludes my grasp leading me to commit confusing though harmless faux pas, to the Turks it all makes perfect sense. Generally, I don't like to speak in vague generalities like this--I prefer concrete examples to demonstrate my point. But as these ideas are just beginnning to form in my mind--I haven't yet defined which experiences exactly have influenced my thinking.

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(Right: Umit, Me, and Patatas french fries. Istiklal cad. Feb.12)
Yesterday was my second day off---how I live for Friday! I sometimes think that my body and mind have begun to run on an internal Cuma (Friday) clock. At all times I can tell you how long its been since I returned home Saturday morning and how long it is until I can leave again next Friday. I am only truely alive when I am outside this house. People how I love thee.
I am not sure what exactly it is, but everywhere I go out in Istanbul I am an instant crowd favorite. Whether I am dancing, bumbling Turkish words, or ogling feathered headbands in a shop window I am endearing myself in the heart of some Turk. Never have I known such popularity. I think a part of it is my enthusiasm to learn the language and more then culture--to learn the Turkish people's story. The support and praise from my brand new friends as I strive to add to my expanding Turkish vocabulary is a constant reinforcement. I work hard at pronunciation and accent and from the delighted surprise or every cab driver's and waiter's face, apparently I am doing well.
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